International (MNN)–Bible Pathway Ministries’ Rita Guerra calls radio ‘God’s secret weapon.’ The airwaves penetrate walls and man-made borders. That means the only tool needed to hear God’s Word is a radio.
Through a partnership with a shortwave station out of Nashville, Tennessee, seven radio transmitters reach around the world daily with the audio version of the Bible Pathway devotions.
Guerra says they’re excited about the latest growth. “Instead of three programs a day, they’ll give us five programs a day. They’ll give us five programs a day, and it’ll cost us half of what we paid for a whole day before, almost doubling the broadcast. It’ll go into every country in the world.”
Through the broadcast, God’s Word will be taught to those who have had little or no knowledge of the Bible while it edifies the Christians in remote areas where Bibles and Bible-study helps are not available.
Pathway’s goal is to continue to reach these people seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Only 365 people (at $90 each) are needed who will underwrite one day’s broadcast.
Broadcasting began on May 1 as a 60-million-watt transmitter aired the Arabic daily devotional commentary, over the shortwave radio covering all the nations of the Middle East.
BPM also offers a Bible and ‘The Best of Bible Pathway’ in Arabic free of charge. Loaded with God’s Word in the language of the people, these broadcasts will bring Light into the Islamic world of darkness.
Guerra asks for prayer. “We just need prayer all the time, that people would be allowed to listen. In the Middle East, they play [the programs] late in the evening, so people can sneak and listen where they’re not allowed to hear these things. So just pray for those who are receiving the message–just pray that people will be touched and will be reached.”