Liberia (MNN) — As Bible marathons become more frequent in Liberia, the Gospel message rises to higher and higher heights.
Bible Reading Marathons have been held through Bible Pathway Ministries since 1990, typically beginning with prayer and concluding with Scripture reading for 80 hours. As a result of these marathons in Liberia, the country is being reached with the Gospel.
Ken Sharp with Bible Pathway says since their ministry began to provide Bibles and copies of Bible Pathway–their daily devotional guide–years ago, Liberia has experienced much change.
"What they're seeing now is a vast turn to the Lord through the preaching and the sharing of the Word of God within their communities," says Sharp. "40 percent of the country's population has now come to accept Christ as their Savior."
Ministry has not been easy in Liberia. A pastor's son was kidnapped in 2007, and many people have been opposed to evangelism. The Lord has prevailed, however, and people are daily becoming new men in the Lord, positively impacting their country and even improving the economy.
Five Bible Reading Marathons are scheduled for April and May 2009, with the intent of reaching over a third of the counties in Liberia. Bible Pathway shipped a container of Bibles and Bible Pathways last week and must now leave the rest up to the Lord through prayer.
"Be praying. First, pray that the containers get there in good time. Second, pray that the Bibles and materials such as Bible Pathway will be distributed without any prohibition. Third, pray that these marathons will continue to have an impact."
If any ministries are sending containers to other countries and have extra space, Bible Pathway Ministries would love to fill the space with Bibles and copies of Bible Pathway.
The Bible Pathway
daily devotional includes commentary, historical perspective, and definitions for difficult words, along with an easy-to-follow plan of systematically reading 15 minutes
a day through the entire Bible in just one year. It helps to show how interesting the Bible really is and how each day’s reading is relevant to daily life.
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