USA (MNN) — Have you ever read the Bible cover-to-cover? Perhaps you have, but have you ever read the Bible cover-to-cover in one sitting? Probably not. That's what Bible Pathway Ministries is doing, but they don't want to do it alone. They want people from around the world to do it with them.
Bible Pathway's Karen Hawkins says this year's Global Bible Reading Marathon is scheduled for June 8-13, "Every word of the Bible will be read from Genesis 1 right through Revelation over about 90 hours, and it's going to be streamed live over the internet."
Hawkins says last year's Bible marathon was a success. "Last year, we heard from 10 countries that people were participating by reading their Bibles along with us at some point." This year, they are hoping for 36 countries to participate.
Proclaiming God's Word publicly is a form of worship. "Honoring God by reading all of His Word and proclaiming it in a public forum is really important. To do it globally is really exciting," Hawkins says.
The Bible is an offensive spiritual weapon, Hawkins adds. "The devil is the prince of the power of the air, so it's literally penetrating his living room. And I believe that battles are going on in the heavens over our communities when we send God's Word out."
You are invited to host a Bible Reading Marathon in conjunction with this event in your home country.
Hawkins says she's seen people come to Christ as a result. "Last year, a young man was driving by and saw the lights; he came up, he sat down, he was scowling, he was angry, he wouldn't talk to anyone. A young man who [had been] reading left, and God said, 'Go back! You're not finished.' [He went] back, and led that young man to the Lord."
The Bible Pathway Event will feature young people. "Two nights are dedicated to youth groups," says Hawkins. "They will not only be coming here to read, but they're going to be doing a mission project. They're going to be boxing up Pastor's Libraries–Bibles, Bible Pathways, and other books–to send to pastors in other countries, particularly in Africa."
If you would like additional information about Bible Pathway and their Global Bible Reading Marathon, click here.