USA (MNN)–Volunteers in the United States read the entire Bible aloud on Capitol Hill this week.
It’s the 17th annual Bible Reading Marathon that included children, clergy and members of Congress. The event culminates today, the National Day of Prayer.
Rev. Michael Hall, Pastor of The Peoples’ Church and Executive Director of International Bible Reading Association, says the marathon is an important part of the prayer effort. “We feel that honoring God for 90 hours with His work prepares us to fall on our knees on National Day of Prayer and to thank God for all of the liberties that we experience in this country.”
That’s never clearer than when someone from another country responds. Hall explains, “We have several instances of someone from a different country who stands in awe that we have the liberty to do this so near to the most powerful House in the world.”
The Marathon concludes on Thursday, May 4 with a ceremony from Noon to 1:00PM during which attendees will read the final two chapters of Revelation in unison. The Capitol Region National Day of Prayer celebration will be held at the same site beginning at 5:00PM.
Hall says that’s what Bible Pathway Ministries, through their partnership with the International Bible Reading Association encourages. “What we want people to take away from this event, first, is to encourage people to read the Bible devotionally. You can read through the entire Bible reading 15-minutes a day. We have the example in Ezra and Nehemiah of public readings of God’s Word that calls nations back to repentance, and that’s what we’re hoping will happen.”
The Marathon was established by Dr. John Hash, founder of the International Bible Reading Association in 1990 and coordinated by Rev. Dr. Corinthia Boone, Chairman of the National Capitol Region National Day of Prayer.