China (MNN)–A quarter century ago, Open Doors delivered one million complete Chinese Bibles by boat to Chinese Christians awaiting the secret meeting on shore.
Under the cover of dark, on June 18, 1981, thousands of believers unloaded a 100-foot tugboat, box by box and bore their precious load to shore. That load of Bibles weighed 232 tons.
Called ‘Project Pearl’, Chinese believers circulated the Bibles across the nation, at times paying for the illegal activity with their lives.
Although the government often tried to halt distribution by destroying the Bibles or throwing them away, it is evident they failed to stop it. Project Pearl Bibles have been seen in virtually every province of the country.
Many persecuted believers have testified that it was the receiving of many Project Pearl Bibles that encouraged them and motivated them to share the Gospel widely and thus grow to their current significant numbers.