India (MNN) — Bibles for the World is an organization that sends Bibles all over the world. Typically, they used telephone directories to get them in the homes of families. To date, Bibles for the World has distributed over 16 million New Testaments to individual homes in over 100 countries. However, something incredible has happened in India that will allow them to expand outreach.
Bibles for the World’s co-founder Mawii Pudaite says the news magazine, India Today, gave them some good news. “The publisher and owner of the magazine responded by saying, ‘we have a database of 1.2 million address, which we do not provide to anyone else, but since you are a privilege customer and old friend we will provide it to you for the mailing of your New Testaments.”
That’s not all, Pudaite says they also offered Bibles for the World their delivery system. “When we use their delivery system, that means that there will be no returns — no undelivered copies. It costs a few pennies more, but we feel it’s well worth it.”
Right now, Bibles for the World is embarking on a major fundraising effort to do this. Pudaite says, “The Lord has provided enough money to do 200,000 Bibles, which are being distributed. And, we’re beginning to receive response letters already, which is very exciting.”According to Pudaite, they still have another million dollars to go. She says it’s easy for people to get involved. “Printing, preparing the labels, the wrappers and everything inclusive is only $2,25. No one is to young or to old or to poor or to rich to participate.”
The Bibles are actually called, ‘No Greater Love’ and also includes, “Questions most often asked about the Bible and a list of verses guiding the read to receive Christ. And, we also provide a response envelope,” says Pudaite.
That package has enabled more than one-million people to respond to God’s call to salvation. Pray that more people will get involved.