India (MNN) — Four students were recently beaten and arrested for helping the poor in Uttar Pradesh, India.
Voice of the Martyrs, Canada reports that in the city of Lucknow, India, four Bible college students were attacked and taken into custody by local police. The students had been found serving the poor and underprivileged. Police considered this service to be an attempt at conversion.
When the police took the four students into detainment, they beat them. The officers then forced the students' pastor to the police station, where they stole his money and interrogated him about the team's work.
After extensive questioning, the injured students and the pastor were finally released.
Thank the Lord that these faithful believers were not hurt further and that they are now safely out of custody. Pray that these Christians would boldly continue to love "the least of these" despite their recent arrest. As they continue to serve, pray that people would respond not to conversion attempts, but to seeing Christ's love in action. Pray that even the police who beat and arrested these believers would come to recognize Christ's love as it is lived out by His faithful followers in India.
To learn more about the persecution faced by Christians in India, visit Voice of the Martyrs India Country Report.