Palestine (MNN) — Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic reached Israel and Palestine, tourists have been unable to visit Jerusalem.
That’s why Bethlehem Bible College now offers the Discover Galilee from your Place online course. Participants will get a virtual tour of significant places in the ministry of Jesus. Click the link to register or get more information.
Discover Jerusalem
This was proceeded by Discover Jerusalem from your Place. Participants in that course got a virtual tour of the city, especially locations important in the final hours before Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Haytham Dieck, who lead the course, says it explored the history and archeology of the city. “And then afterward, we will follow the path route of Jesus, the Via Dolorosa. And then, of course, the whole course will end by Golgotha, which is today the Holy Sepulcher Church.”
The college offered a similar course, Discover Bethlehem from your Place, last year. Dieck says, “At first, we thought the number would be around 10, 12, or 15. But we were very happy to see the number reaching 29. We were even thinking to do another course about Galilee.”
The Discover Galilee course will run from June 5 to July 31 and will include 9 sessions, with 13 total hours.
Dieck says, “We are so happy that so far, we are receiving very positive feedback from all those who participated. So far, everybody has said the lectures are very informative. And they are actually using this information for their ministry or their work.”
The header image shows a cross near the Sea of Galilee. (Photo courtesy of KaPilz from Pixabay)