USA (MNN) — In
2008, Bethany Christian Services placed 1,694 children with their adoptive
families. They hope to continue this legacy with older kids in Michigan who
need homes. That's why they're teaming up with ABC's West Michigan affiliate
and Choice One Banks to raise money and awareness.
"Spare the
Change" is a campaign sponsored by WZZM 13 and Choice One Banks. Donations
made to the campaign will help Bethany place older kids and teens in foster
care with families. Bethany is featured on WZZM's news broadcasts and local
talk show, Take 5. The host of Take 5 is an adoptive mom who also
serves on Bethany's National Board.
This campaign is
part of "Hero Central," WZZM's effort to inspire regular people in
West Michigan to help those in need. By telling stories about everyday heroes,
WZZM hopes to raise up an "army" of people to address the needs of
the community.
"Spare the Change" runs through September 12. You
can donate at any of the Choice One Banks in West Michigan, or make an online
donation by clicking here.