International (MNN) — National Adoption Month is not until November, but for those passionate about the cause, starting to plan now is essential.
National Adoption Month brings with it perhaps the more famous Orphan Sunday–a Sunday in November that churches across the globe dedicate to the plight of orphans.
Each year there are sermons and small groups, concerts and prayer gatherings on Orphan Sunday. "[It provides] just a heightened awareness of the plight of the orphan, that there are children in need: not only [in need] of parents, but basic needs. Daily life is a struggle for orphans," John VanValkenburg with Bethany Christian Services told Mission Network News after last year's Sunday celebration. "It's really a day for Christians to answer the call because we are called to care for orphans in James 1:27."
There are 18.3 million orphans in the world. Although it's impossible for one individual to save them all, Orphan Sunday and National Adoption Month encourages participants to do what they can to affect just one life. Whether it's through the incredibly large step of adopting a child into a family, or the simple effort of sponsoring a child across the globe, every bit of participation helps–especially when it means sharing not only life with children, but the hope of the Gospel.
This year's Orphan Sunday is November 6. To prepare believers for the day and for the whole adoption month, Bethany is providing several free resources for churches and small groups.
Through Bethany, you can get free, full-color church bulletin inserts to recognize National Adoption Month and Orphan Sunday. Get those by simply clicking here. You can also download a free PowerPoint slide to use during National Adoption Month or on Orphan Sunday. Start planning ways to involve your church now with these free resources.
Bethany Christian Services is the largest adoption agency in the United States. Their commitment extends to children and teens who are living in foster care or in orphanages–children who need a "forever family."
If you would like to learn more about Bethany and the various opportunities you have to help change and save lives through their ministry, visit www.bethany.org.