International (MNN) — Suffering is worldwide, from Sri
Lanka to Senegal. In the U.S., many are suffering from the current state
of our economy; $20 doesn't go as far as it used to. Partners International
is doing what they can to offer hope to those in need through Harvest of Hope. By
joining with this ministry, your gift of $20 could reach into eternity.
"Every day in the news, on the Internet, even in our
neighborhoods, we are overwhelmed by the stories of people in need," says
Partners President/CEO John Lewis.
Suffering in Sri Lanka has produced an urgent need you can
help meet. In May, 25 years of civil war in Sri Lanka ended, but
thousands of victims still remain displaced from their homes. You can read more
about them by clicking here.
Disease and hopelessness is widespread in camps for the displaced. At
last note, 35,000 kids and around 1,800 orphans were left to wander around
these camps. To help the families
in need, Partners provides a relief pack with two weeks of provisions. If you'd
like to give a pack in the name of Christ, click here.
"Harvest of Hope" is a ministry developed by
Partners for believers to help meet these great needs. Lewis explains the
two-way dynamic. "It's a national leader with a vision to impact his
community, and it's people like you and me that can help that vision become a
Professional writer and speaker Kay Marshall Strom recently
wrote a book about the ministry's mission based upon her observations in the
field. "Harvest of Hope" details what happens when families around
the world receive gifts through catalogs like the Harvest of Hope gift catalog.
"Our gifts really are making a difference," Strom
says. "We as donors are changing this generation, and we are providing hope
for the generation of tomorrow."
A gift of $20 USD can provide hope for many around
the world. Undernourished children in Senegal can receive food and medical care
for a month; persecuted believers can receive care packages. School children in
India could receive new uniforms and textbooks. Or your gift could help build
the church in underprivileged nations: young believers can learn new worship
songs from songbooks, pastors could receive biblical materials, or you can
provide Bibles for believers in India or China.
You can read stories about this ministry's impact or
give to a need by clicking here. Pray that many lives will be impacted and
changed through Harvest of Hope.