India (MNN) — A church building reunites the body of Christ in India after more than a year without one.
After the tsunami of 2004, a worship service was interrupted when the roof of the church collapsed, injuring several people. The village in Andhra Pradesh is an untouchable fishing village and therefore had no money to replace the roof.
Difficulties ensued after the incident. Services were held in homes, but no location could properly accommodate the number of people in attendance and became especially difficult during the rainy monsoon season. Later, a 6-year-old girl playing in the rubble was bitten by a snake and died.
India Partners decided to raise funds for this village with which they have ten years of history. In the past they built a school as well as provided medical work and leadership training. The roof has now been repaired, and the church was recently dedicated. Brent Hample of India Partners said, "They say now that the church is very strong and can stand up to any cyclone or tsunami or rains."
Worship services are broadcast on a sound system that the entire village can hear, and 90% of the village is Hindu. "They say the church is giving spiritual help, teaching the Word of the Lord, and preaching the Gospel to the people of village," said Hample. There are approximately 350 families in the village, and 150 people attend the church.
Hample said the village is appreciative to India Partners and to God. "The people there are very thankful for the help to build this church roof. They're worshipping now on a regular basis," said Hample.
Pray for the strength of this church as they minister to their Hindu neighbors in a loving manner. In the future, they would like to fund the building of a parsonage for the village's pastor. If you want to donate to India Partners projects, click here.