Sudan (MNN)–Poor security in the Darfur region is likely to keep the millions of refugees displaced, according to the United Nations.
The Sudanese government, meanwhile, agreed with the UN to set up safe havens in Darfur within the next 30 days. The safe areas will allow civilians can search for food and water and farm without fear of attack.
While promises from Khartoum are veiwed warily, some humanitarian relief groups are using the breather to come up with a plan.
Campus Crusade For Christ Canada just sent two staff members to Darfur where they witnessed, firsthand, the incredible suffering and hopelessness of the refugees there.
1.2 million people have fled for their lives to makeshift refugee camps in the Darfur region and across the border in Chad.
The team reported desperate scenes are repeated again and again all around this camp of over 75,000 people. The tragedy compounds when multiplied by hundreds more refugee camps in Darfur.
CCC efforts will specifically target these families who are being left outside without any assistance and those also who voluntarily decide to go home to their villages.
The logistics of purchasing and delivering food and aid in this area of the world is complex and challenging. But all things considered, in addition to transportation costs, it only takes $51 to feed a family of seven for a week.
Providing humanitarian aid and developmental funds and expertise to developing nations is a vital part of Christ’s mandate to the church. As a tangible expression of God’s love, the teams seek to create tremendous opportunities to share the gospel.