North Africa (MNN) — While conversion
from Islam is not a criminal offense in Morocco, new believers have endured
social ostracism.
The 1992 constitution guarantees freedom of religion for all, but
it designates Islam as the state religion. Missionary work is not allowed,
but there are foreign workers in other roles seeking to share their faith.
According to Voice of the Martyrs Canada, any criticism of Islam is
banned under the Penal Code and is punishable with up to five years in prison. Publications
that could "threaten the fundamental institutional policies or religion of
the kingdom" can also be banned.
Currently in North Africa, a team from IN Network is working to expand the correspondence course both in terms of numbers
enrolled in the course and the Arabic countries into which it is sent. They are
also concentrating more on church planting. Nationals are joining the ministry
to handle this task.
Retreats are planned to gather
believers together so they will have a chance to meet other Christians and have
an encouraging time of fellowship and teaching.
IN Network also reports the Lord has opened another door
for evangelism in a capital city. Plans are on track to open an evangelical
center in 2009.
Pray for the right person who
will take responsibility of the center as a worker of the Gospel. Pray,
too, for those who are seeking Christ, that they will have the freedom to come
to faith in Him without fear of punishment or harassment.