USA (MNN)–There’s a saying that goes ‘familiarity breeds contempt’. It refers to something that is so common, it gets taken for granted. In this case, for many North American believers, it’s the Bible.
Bible Pathway Ministries’ Karen Hawkins says sometimes scarcity places a higher value on Scripture. “We receive thousands of requests from Africa. People are begging for Bibles. They say, ‘We can’t live without it. It is our food. I must have it. Please give me a Bible.’ Here in America, you can buy one at the dime store. People have multiple copies and they don’t bother to open them.”
Hawkins says they’re encouraging people to commit to read the whole Bible in 2007. Why? “We had one pastor write and say, ‘A man started tithing and I wasn’t preaching on tithing. He said, ‘I read it in the Bible.” People’s lives are going to change, because their hearts are going to change, because the Spirit is given free reign.”