Spain (MNN) — Mission Urbana, a Greater
Europe Mission partner in Valencia, Spain, serves more than 10,000
desperate people every year.
Currently, the ministry offers
meals, showers, clothes, shaves, haircuts, laundry services, food distribution,
and Bible studies to those who are interested.
Most of the people who come are
facing desperate situations. According to GEM, many of those helped are immigrants
in Spain. They come with hopes of a better life, but they often encounter obstacles
that grow increasingly difficult.
In their hopelessness, they turn
to Mission Urbana and find the avenue to eternal life. Many return to their
home countries equipped with the Gospel, making Spain an unlikely "sending
nation" for missionaries.
That's why Mission Urbana is so
important. In their greatest time of
affliction, they are met with Christ's love shown by the Spanish believers and
North American missionaries working there.
People respond. Three people
were recently baptized in Valencia, Spain, and three more accepted Christ as
their Lord and Savior. Pray that all six will grow spiritually and share their
faith with others.
The ministry is run in collaboration with 10 local
evangelical churches, and God has blessed Mission Urbana with growth. In fact, their present location is too small
to serve all the people who need help, and it is too small for those who want
to attend the weekly Bible study. Pray
that God will enable Mission Urbana to expand its facility, possibly by buying
the one next door.