International (MNN) — One-third of the world has never heard of God’s love for them. These people are considered least-reached. But because of ministries like Global Disciples, the least-reached are within reach.
Global Disciples equips local Christians around the world to share Jesus with the least-reached in their country or context. The ministry recently teamed up with Kent Mast at Mast Film Co to produce a short video clip called “Within Reach”.
The short clip “Within Reach” creatively spotlights the needs of the least-reached who have never heard the Good News of Jesus. It also explores what believers can do to get the Gospel to them through prayers and supporting local believers with Global Disciples.

(Image from “Within Reach” short video, courtesy of Global Disciples)
Mast says Global Disciples has “a massive heart of reaching the least-reached people across the world. We’ve been taking what already existed in that heart and that mission and then going, ‘How do we communicate this through the language of film? How do we get people aware that there are all these people who have yet to hear about Jesus?”
Especially as believers evaluate year-end giving, this is a great time to look at the importance of supporting ministries like Global Disciples.
“We should be partnering with organizations and people whose hearts are on fire for getting Jesus out there,” Mast says. “I think that Global Disciples is doing it and is reaching the least-reached people of the world and is then inspiring a younger generation to wake up. You can be a part of this.”
In just one year, Global Disciples helped plant over 3,500 new churches with more than 83,000 new believers.
“If I saw someone planting the number of churches that I’ve heard different Global Disciples church planters are planting, if I’ve seen the multiplication of what they are capable of, it seems really obvious that with resources, with money, with prayer…shouldn’t that be a huge priority?”

(Image from “Within Reach” short video, courtesy of Global Disciples)
Mast also produced media for Global Disciples’ recent event, NationsWorship. It was an internationally-streamed worship event featuring video clips of stories and songs from believers all over the world. NationsWorship also had live worship hosted at a church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
He says, “There were clips from all across the world — Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Uganda, so many different places where we could see and experience and worship alongside our brothers and sisters.”
Some of the video clips submitted for NationsWorship were fun, some were emotional, and all were deeply authentic.
“There was one that was literally called ‘Weeping Worship’… When you experience watching another believer in another country or context who is just being so personally touched by God…in worship, it was just very confronting to me,” Mast says.
“When was the last time that I let my intellect or my heart and all of my body be so present with the Lord? Not distracted, not burdened by other things, but burdened by Him and His voice and His heart.”
Learn more about supporting Global Disciples here! You can also scroll down their main page to find and watch their new short clip “Within Reach”.
And, Mast encourages, “Be praying about how to be involved with the least-reached. Pray for God to give you a heart for the lost”
Header photo courtesy of Adrian Swancar via Unsplash.