(MNN) — This Halloween, you can give your neighbors a better treat than
candy: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries has ideas to help you do this.
First of all,
you can pass out evangelistic tracts along with candy when trick-or-treaters
come to your door, or when you go to other neighborhood homes. Make it a point to pray ahead of time for those who will come to your door. Then quietly pray for children
and parents as you meet them, and continue praying for them
You might
also try "reverse trick-or-treating." Instead
of waiting for your neighbors to come to you, you can go to them. Perhaps your local pastor could produce a Gospel
message in print or on DVD which you can distribute when you go
trick-or-treating. One church holds a costume party every year before families fan out to distribute the
Other churches
hold fall harvest parties or trunk-or-treat events. At a trunk-or-treat event, people park their
cars in a circle around the church parking lot. Each car is decorated, and there are games to play and lots of candy to distribute. At events like this, it is wise
to designate people to build relationships with the guests. Don't let the guests leave just knowing more
about the programs the church offers. Make
sure they hear the hope of Jesus Christ.
churches can participate in local fall festivals. Set up a booth with crafts, food, and
information about church services. Be a
friendly presence in your community. Pray
that God will help you to love people as He loves them and to honestly share the
Good News with biblical motives.
Don't be
surprised if people are offended, for the Bible says the Gospel is a "stumbling
block to Jews and folly to Gentiles" (1 Cor. 1:23, ESV). But do not use this as an excuse to cause unnecessary
offense. Above all, remember that the
Holy Spirit is powerful to use even imperfect Christians to reach people with
the Gospel, and God has promised that His Word shall not return void.