Zambia (MNN/FBW) — Americans from Florida recently introduced Zambian church leaders to a new tool in evangelism, the E3 Partners. Two members of the Southern Baptist International Mission Baord traveled to Zambia to provide EvangeCubes to participants of a three-day conference.
According to the Florida Baptist Witness, many people traveled up to 30-miles to attend the conference in Mongu, Zambia.
EvangeCubes are puzzle like cubes that help people share the Gospel. Eddie McClelland was one of the instructors. “It was an unbelievable sight to experience the Holy Spirit moving in these peoples’ lives when we taught them to use the E-cubes,” says McClellend. “It was like we had given them the greatest tangible gift they had ever received.”
Many of those attending are focused on two unreached people groups in the Mongu region. Organizers hope this helps jumpstart a church planting movement in the region.