Zimbabwe (MNN) — In Zimbabwe, two-thirds of schoolchildren have lost one or both parents to the AIDS pandemic.
Even if children do have both of their parents, many times they are too poor to get the composition books required by the school system. Some children sit on the floor and write in the dust.
Without being able to take good notes and write down study material, children do not perform well in exams. Baptist Global Response assists children by providing them with composition books for school.
One of the schools assisted by this project moved up from being 40th in the district on exam performance to eighth place.
The exercise books carry Christian and HIV/AIDS messages on them. They are also provided free of charge to the most disadvantaged students.
This project began in 2008 in cooperation with the three Baptist conventions in Zimbabwe. This year, the campaign is being extended to 200 new schools. This will provide over 300,000 exercise books and impact over 200,000 students and teachers lives.
To make this possible, more than $76,000 in donations is needed. You can be a part of providing writing books for schoolchildren. Click here to learn how to donate to the campaign.
Pray that this project will be able to provide enough composition books for families who are affected by AIDS. Pray that the success of this program will continue to increase. Pray that the Christian message on each of the notebooks will be seen and understood.