Poland (MNN) — Greater Europe
Mission is gaining access to high-security prisons in Poland.
A small band from North Carolina
is giving a series of concerts over the next few days in these correctional
facilities near Warsaw. Praise God for
the open door to bring light and hope to those who have all but forgotten what
hope is.
is considered one of the most religious countries in the European Union, but
reports suggest that less than 1% of the people value faith as necessary.
to GEM, the evangelical community in Poland is small: less than one-tenth of
one percent of Polish people are members of an evangelical church.
The GEM-Poland team seeks to see a witnessing fellowship within reach of everyone in Poland. They believe that the most effective way to
evangelize Poland
is to plant churches so that each person will have an opportunity to see Christ
authentically lived out.
Pray that many inmates will find
freedom from guilt and shame through forgiveness in Christ. Pray too for God's
blessing on a May 3 concert for the general public.