Guatemala (MNN) — A partnership in Guatemala is not only showing "JESUS" to people, but helping them grow in Him, too. The partnership is between the JESUS Film Project and Faith Comes By Hearing.
According to Campus Crusade for Christ's Guatemala Country Director Anibal Duarte, "There are 26 teams showing the film 'JESUS' around the country, working in 10 different languages."
The "JESUS" film is the dramatized book of Luke dubbed and created for 1,129 languages around the world. The drama has been seen billions of times, and millions have come to Christ in every nation on earth.
Team members used to have to carry a heavy film projector, generator, and screen to show "JESUS." Now, through new technology, a single "JESUS" team member can carry the equipment in a backpack. "We have right now eight backpacks. They walk, sometimes hours and hours. Sometimes I hear of teams walking 12 hours."
These backpacks are allowing "JESUS" team members to penetrate jungle areas who may not otherwise hear the Good News of Christ.
The first film team has planted 81 churches going from village to village to share the story of "JESUS." But planting a church is only the first step. These congregations are followed up and grounded in their faith. As these groups are established, Faith Comes By Hearing provides a Proclaimer. It's a digital audio player with the dramatized New Testament in their language.
Sometimes the only pastor they have is the very film team member who showed them the film "JESUS."
However, more "JESUS" packs are needed. Your support of $50 will help reach up to 500 people with the Gospel. Your gift of support will make an eternal difference in the lives of many.