Ghana (MNN) — The European Commission in Ghana calls this year's floods and droughts a 'wake up call.' Ghana's government says 56 people died in floods, and recovery promises to be difficult.
Over 300,000 people were displaced in the Northern, Upper East and Upper West regions, further aggravating the poverty in those regions.
While not directly affected, Oasis Institute's Ambrose Brennan says they're training the church's future leaders. "We are trying to emphasize that they become aware of some of the local needs around them, which, of course, with the flooding is definitely a need."
The Training Center offers classes in Leadership, Financial Management, Understanding God Bible Class, Old Testament Tabernacle, Basic Computer Applications, English, and Study of the Human Body.
Brennan points out the training helps them prepare a response. "One aspect of that would be how to mobilize people together, how to get organizations together. We've kind of done a little of that with our Christmas parade "which is a fundraiser toward a community health clinic."
The community health clinic in Accra is expanding in order to offer a recovery wing where patients could be housed overnight. Says one pastor who participated last year's event, "It created a sense of awareness to the people, especially coming together as Christians with one purpose for Christ. Then we also noticed that it fostered a good spirit of unity, and they are now asking more about Christ."
The event has doubled in size, and with it, the opportunity for evangelism. "I see the cooperation and unity among pastors, but also a greater way to evangelize. We're going to use the parade this year as a way to distribute some tracts and get the Word of God out to people." Please pray for bold witness and open hearts.