Guatemala (MNN) — Aviation Ministry is taking off! Paradise Bound Ministries is beginning a new program that will help them travel to remote villages throughout Guatemala.
Founder of Paradise Bound Ministries Dan Smith is excited about the new program. He explains, “Mission Aviation is something that our Lord has utilized around the world to be able to reach His awaiting souls, to be able to get into remote villages, and to be able to speed the gospel of Jesus Christ in ways that you just can’t do along the ground.”
Mission Aviation provides Paradise Bound Ministries with transportation for the pastors and missionary plants around the villages. “This is a way that we can now begin to connect better with our lay pastors that are in many of these remote villages, our national missionary plants that are around various remote villages in Guatemala,” says Smith. “We will be able to provide emergency medical transport from some of those villages. Most of them are three or four hours from any hospital.”
Even though the program is still in need of supplies, Smith is confident God has opened the doors for them in Guatemala.
“There is so much needed and so much to be accomplished before we even take flight. We don’t have any aircraft, an airstrip near our mission base, or a hanger–all things that are going to be so needed. But we do have a calling and a heart. We are clear God is calling us to this,” says Smith.
Paradise Bound goes to the extreme by reaching out to the most remote villages. The need for aircraft has become more and more of a necessity to the ministry. Smith explains, “The need is great and the time is now for Mission Aviation in Guatemala. And we’ve taken that to heart. We’ve prayed through it, God has given us that, and right now we are seeking donations of–or gifts toward–the aircraft.”
How can you get involved?
“Prayer is the thing that we need most because that is what opens the doors; that is what gets hold of someone’s heart,” Smith affirms.
The start-up cost to the program is $250,000. Pray that the funds would become available for Paradise Bound Ministries.
Pray that Aviation Ministry would spread the gospel throughout Guatemala.
To donate an airplane, click here. To learn more about Aviation Ministry, click here.