Mozambique (MNN) — Many people in a post-civil war Mozambique are eager and even desperate to hear the Gospel. It's not that there aren't enough missionaries or Scripture translations, but many don't have access to the Gospel.
What's the issue, then? Fewer than 50% of Mozambicans can read.
Audio Scripture Ministries has been working for over 40 years in Mozambique to distribute audio Scripture players to meet this need. But their work has been limited.
"We have deliberately not engaged too many projects simply because we didn't have the room and the facilities to do that," says Tom Dudenhofer, executive director of ASM.
At present, ASM's space in the south African nation consists of one room atop Bible college dormitories. Above the one-room studio live bats and a number of other critters that have caused destruction to the already limited space.
ASM's small space simply can't keep up with the demands for Scripture in Mozambique, so for months, ASM has been raising money to construct a studio building. The building will not only allow ASM to record more Scriptures, but it will have a space to house readers who have traveled long distances to help ASM. Their work will be able to expand across the nation and also across surrounding nations.
But there's a problem here, too. ASM is committed to not spending more than they have, even if it means a lull in building. So even though the building process began in June, and the ministry has now built the first floor and a security wall, construction has come to a halt due to a lack of funding.
"We think that we can complete the project with another $40,000 to $45,000," says Dudenhofer. ASM is hoping that the funds will come in by the end of the year, especially with a $20,000 matching grant in place. You can help with the funding here.
Once the building project is finished, the studio should be essentially self-sufficient. ASM is being careful not to let the ministry become dependent. The only other Western need will be for a few building experts to come. ASM creates jobs for locals by hiring them to do most of the work, but Dudenhofer says there just aren't trained Mozambicans nearby who can work on the wiring and electrical work for the building.
ASM has trips planned in 2012 for wiring and electrical workers to travel to Xia Xia, Mozambique, to help with this. Learn more about getting involved.
Despite obstacles, ASM has never ceased their ministry. They continue to record and continue to see lives transformed as people hear the Good News of the Gospel.
"We've heard just amazing stories not only of people coming to Christ, but of groups getting together — not knowing that they were actually forming a church. But after listening to Scriptures for a while, they'd send word out that they wanted somebody to come and help them, or they wanted somebody to come explain the Bible to them some more."
The church is growing with access to God's Word. Will you get involved?