Audio outreach team cultivates medical ministry in Kenya

By August 6, 2008

Kenya (MNN) — Audio Scripture
is partnering with an outreach in Northern Kenya. It is a medical ministry to rural people in
very isolated areas.

Together, they're distributing
medicine as well as the TapeTalk players with Scripture recordings, Christian
music and health messages. The people
are listening to God's Word in their language and are responding to it. 

Pray for the recording
of more Scripture material and for the distribution of players that are in use
in the area.

Elsewhere in
Kenya, ASM is in the process of transferring the Nairobi recording studios into
the hands of their national partners, Theovision. However, there have been some legal challenges concerning
the property.

In order for
their partners to move ahead with repairs and expanded outreach, certain papers
need to be identified and processed. However, they are bogged down in government "red
tape." This is an important step for the national
partners, and the team is praying for a
smooth transition.

ASM is also praying
for the help of a committed attorney
that will do an honest job. With corruption as a huge challenge in Kenya, only the
Lord can work out the specifics.

Please make
this a matter of specific prayer so the property transfer can take place
without the huge fees that can sometimes go along with these kinds of

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