International (MNN) — New ministry fields are opening
faster than Audio Scripture Ministries
can respond.
ASM's Tom Dudenhofer says they're in desperate need of
media-technologies people with a vision for missions. "We really need to bring on some more
technically-oriented people who love the Lord and love to help people, who would be
willing to travel and are interested in passing on what they know about computers
and digital audio to believers around the world who really need these tools to
put God's Word in audio for non-readers."
Here's how it would work: "There are national teams in Peru, around the country, who are
attempting to use media to put God's Word in audio and even video. They just need somebody to hold their hand or
to give them a little direction." In other
words, a volunteer would help guide the nationals in how to use the equipment,
how to process the audio they record, and how to troubleshoot some of the
Dudenhofer says volunteers need to be able to commit a short
block of time to tutoring the nationals with the setup, but knowing the
language won't be as much a necessity. Translators are easily found with this kind of ministry.
Already, ASM has requests from Peru, the Philippines, and
Mozambique, with more coming in. "They
already have a strategy; they already know what they want to do. We're going in
there to help them do what God has laid on their heart to do."
Asked what would happen to the ministries if no volunteers
come forward in a timely fashion, Dudenhofer said simply, "Everything kind of
grinds to a halt. We do the best we can;
we're not a big organization. We're trusting
God. We know He has control of the timing, and we know that there are people
that He's prepared to help with the needs that we have."