International (MNN) — Faith
Comes By Hearing recently released eight Audio Drama New Testament
The new
recordings are in Dan of Cote d'Ivoire; Garhwali, India; Kimochi,
Tanzania; Koma, Ghana; Ndau, Mozambique; Quechua, North Bolivia; Mooré, Burkina
Faso; and the New American Bible in the
United States.
Together, these recorded languages represent more than 222
million people on five continents.
Of these eight language groups represented, FCBH notes that
the Koma language is the smallest with
only 3,800 people. Experts report that there is absolute illiteracy among this
group in Ghana, meaning not one Koma person has the ability to read.
About 70-percent of the world's
population is part of an oral culture and live in poverty. That means access to
God's Word can be out of their reach.
Faith Comes By Hearing establishes Bible listening groups in order to begin their evangelization. Their goal is to record Audio Bibles in 2,000
languages by 2016.
Click here for details on how you
can help support a new language recording.