International (FCBH/MNN) — There’s a famous quotation, “There are no atheists in foxholes,” often attributed to U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
It means that in times of extreme stress or fear (as in a war), all people will respond to hope. As if to underscore that point, there’s been a spike in requests for Faith Comes By Hearing’s Military BibleStick. FCBH spokesman Bill Lohr says it was the right tool for the right time. “This is a generation that doesn’t read as much; it’s audio-visual. That’s why this impacts them by having the audio available.”
Enter: the Military BibleStick. It’s a digital audio player that is pre-loaded with a dramatized recording of the entire New Testament and over 65 minutes of select Psalms. “They can get the unit to them, that covers all the shipping and everything else that we do. But in addition to that, we’re going to send MP3 discs to their spouses and to their children, so that’s really covering the entire family for that $25,” explains Lohr.
American military chaplains from every branch report that the troops enjoy the portability of the Military BibleStick, the dramatization of the Audio New Testament and quality of the recording itself.
Why this story, today?
“Everybody’s going to celebrate the birthday of our independence and the reason that is. And the reason that we still celebrate it is because of our military. I think that’s why people really gravitate to this outreach: getting God’s Word to our men and women in uniform.”
Across the USA, churches, radio stations, TV stations are showing support and spreading God’s Word to those in harm’s way. Lohr says, “They [chaplains] are asking all the time to get more and more of these. It’s just a beautiful testimony when we hear from them and they say, ‘We can’t keep them on the shelves. The soldiers come and they really want them,’ because it really is something that helps them engage God’s Word. All they have to do is plug in that ear bud, hit ‘Play,’ and they’re getting God’s Word.”
Over 1,440 chaplains use Military BibleSticks in pre-deployment briefings, counseling sessions, Bible studies, weekly chapels, and other spiritual services. Lohr adds, “There are those who can take 500 units from us, and they’ll get them out within a couple of months. There are others that might be in a deployed situation where only 100 units will work for them.”
Give the gift of an audio Bible to a military man or military woman for only $25. This includes a Military BibleStick and a response card for service members to have New Testaments and KIDZ Bibles sent to their families.