India (MNN) — While the media has all but ignored the violence in India's Orissa State, Christians are continuing to count the cost of the wave of violence in that East Indian region. Ministry after ministry and church after church have felt, firsthand, the impact of Hindu radicals' attacks on Christians.
Faith Comes By Hearing produces God's Word in audio. The ministry's language recording manager Ray Warrior says the violence has affected the recording of God's Word in Nepal as well as Orissa.
The recording team in Nepal is from Orissa. "They have experienced some severe problems with their families. The team leader's home has been burned, his possessions looted and destroyed. His family, including three children, had to take refuge in the woods and [is] now in a refugee camp."
Despite the difficulty, the work continues in Nepal. Warrior says, "Our director there, even though his family is undergoing persecution, feels that the work of the Lord is so important that he should stay where he is."
Warrior reports that the work in Orissa State itself was also hard hit. "During that particular recording, which we had to halt, three of our readers were killed. And they were killed not for participating: they were killed because they were Christians."
In addition, Warrior says their Orissa project manager was adversely affected. "Two of his uncles have been killed. One was beaten to death. The other was burned to death in his own home. His father, who is an official in the Orissa district, has received death threats."
Upon receiving this report, Warrior was overcome with pain, sorrow and pride: "The pain of losing friends — people who are devoted to this work; the sorrow of having them go through this agony; and pride that they are willing to put their lives on the line for the work of the Lord."
Faith Comes By Hearing leaders have recommended the work in Orissa remain on hold until the violence subsides. However, Warrior says, "They don't feel that they should stop doing the work of the Lord to protect their own personal safety. That personal safety is less important to them then getting out the Word of God."
Warrior asks for prayer that the work would continue and that these believers would be protected as they faithfully and sacrificially continue the audio Bible project. "Pray that the Lord will reach and touch and support and guide these families and give peace to the men and women who are away from their families at this time."
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