United States (MNN) — American Tract Society has some creative ways to share the Gospel this Easter. It is more than handing out tracts this year.
Each Easter Outreach Kit they have created is designed to reach 100 people. The pack includes several things that explain the Gospel that can be placed in a bag and either passed out, left on doors, or used in a prayer walk.
The items include the Gospel of John, Billy Graham's Easter Steps to Peace with God tract, and cards that list the promises of God. There are also Promise Seeds, like candy corn, that have scripture on the package.
In addition to this outreach, they have put together a few other outreach packages they call Fun Packs. Each pack comes with a tract and an item that relates to the tract.
The cross pack explains the true meaning of the cross and comes with a cross. The Jelly Bean Prayer pack includes jelly beans that are color coded to explain the story of Jesus.
Finally The Coloring Tract contains a crayons and a coloring book. Fern Knabel of ATS said this item can help if handed out in church. She said, "They're going to be able to focus on that and mom and dad can really focus on what's happening in that church service that day. It's also great if you're having family over and while you're waiting to get that meal done give these to the children they can color them, have a little coloring contest."
ATS also offers Resurrection Eggs. The plastic eggs that come in a carton each contain a small item that explains the story of Jesus.
By sharing these items with children parents are also affected. "What we find is that children really are responsive at this time and parents are really responsive because they love their children being touched in a positive way for God," said Knabel.
Sometimes children brought up as Christians understand the Gospel more through these items and accept Christ. "We get very excited at Easter because we know that there are going to
be great stories that we're going to hear," Knabel said.
"It gives believers an opportunity to really say what the real meaning of this holiday is, just like at Christmas we like to say what the real meaning of Christmas is about. So
we're finding Christians very excited, really buying up our items," said Knabel.
To order any of these packs visit their Web site or call them at 1-800-548-7228.