Bolivia (MNN) — Bolivia joins Venezuela and Ecuador on the list of South American nations plagued by political turmoil. More about the region’s difficulties here.
Trans World Radio’s Steve Shantz says Bolivian protestors began taking to the streets in October. “President Morales tried to go for a fourth term in office,” he explains. “Irregularities in the election process were suspect, so the general populace has risen up and has come out in strong protest against what they think was a rigged election.”

Demonstrations in La Paz, Bolivia against electoral fraud and the government of Evo Morales
(Photo, caption courtesy of Paulo Fabre via Wikimedia Commons)
Evo Morales, Bolivia’s former president, resigned on Sunday and fled to Mexico yesterday. “The government is now without a leader,” Shantz says, but that hasn’t solved Bolivia’s problems.
“There’s still a lot of tension in the country because he (Morales) has his supporters, and they are clashing with the opposition.”
What’s going on in Bolivia?
As described here by BBC News, Morales was Bolivia’s first president from an indigenous background. Though formerly widely popular and credited with improving Bolivia’s economy, things began to backfire for Morales when he sought another presidential term.
According to Reuters, lawmakers met yesterday to accept Morales’ resignation and seek an interim president. Bolivian lawyer Jeanine Añez is one individual stepping up to fill the temporary power vacuum.
Amid political uncertainty, TWR’s national partner – Radio Trans Mundial* (RTM) Bolivia – is calling believers to prayer.
“They have five radio stations of their own and they also distribute programming to over 100 stations across the country,” Shantz says.
“They have been on the air and with their radio audience… praying for peace and stability in the country, praying for unification.”
How to help Bolivian believers
Now that you know, what will you do? Shantz asks you to pray with TWR’s partners and Bolivian believers for peace and stability. Use the prompts listed alongside this article to guide your prayers.

Pastor Diego Davila, director of Quechua ministries for RTM Bolivia, speaks to residents of a Quechua community.
(Photo and caption courtesy of TWR)
“Many people in Bolivia [are] on their knees literally praying for a peaceful solution to the crisis. For evangelism and solid mission work to flourish, you need a stable political environment,” Shantz explains.
“Stability is so important because there is a very fruitful ministry of preaching the Gospel in Bolivia.”
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* RTM is the Spanish equivalent of TWR.
Header image by David Peterson from Pixabay.