Armenia (MNN) — Armen Sarkissian, President of Armenia, has resigned unexpectedly. He says he left his position due to a lack of power during times of crisis. Sarkisian especially criticized the Prime Minister’s handling of the war with Azerbaijan in 2020. Armenia lost large amounts of territory in that conflict.
Eric Mock with the Slavic Gospel Association says, “It was a difficult conflict complicated by international pressure, specifically Turkey getting involved with Azerbaijan. The people of Armenia have been under assault for a long time, for hundreds of years. They are, in a sense, surrounded. They’re a Christian nation surrounded by Muslim nations. There’s a tremendous challenge that’s there.”
Local churches
Both countries remain scarred from the brutal fighting. But Mock says churches in Armenia and Azerbaijan continue to serve their neighbors, even those on the opposite side of the war. “The emotional pressures of the conflict and some of the confusion that goes on: those are some of the greatest challenges. I think we all are influenced by our culture and even the politics that may be going on around us. But ultimately, God remains unchanged.”
“The challenge for them is the same as it is for us: that we would stay focused on the work of the Gospel.”
You can partner with SGA as they help churches serve their neighbors. Mock says, “Be a part of SGA’s compassion ministry as we continue to bring aid to these people. We helped them during the Immanuel’s Child outreach. They had great Christmas outreaches in both countries. Now, we also are bringing aid to them during the winter season.”
The header photo shows the former Armenian president Armen Sarkissian. (Photo courtesy of President.am, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons)