Iran (MNN) — Apologetics plays an important role in sharing the Gospel, especially in places like Iran, where religious and philosophical questions abound.
Transform Iran’s Lana Silk says, “Apologetics is a more generic term of giving a thought-through, almost academic explanation or defense, and it goes beyond our Christian theology.”
Transform Iran’s recent apologetics training equipped 45 church planters and Gospel workers to answer the tough questions they encounter in the field.
“Some people make an immediate heart connection to the Gospel and have an ’emotional’ experience with Jesus in how He touches and transforms their lives,” Silk says.
“There are others who have fair academic questions, and apologetics is for those people.”
Iranian Muslims often wrestle with the Gospel message. “In the case of apologetics for Iranians, we must have a thorough grasp of Jesus in the Koran versus Jesus in the Bible. There is a compare and contrast [method] that equips our evangelists to answer questions from Muslims,” Silk says.
“We’re helping them come to a different understanding of the nature of God, and the truth about Jesus.”
Participants left the seven-day training session with more than a few new skills. “We’re not just hitting them with a ton of information,” Silk says.
“We’re also praying for them, ministering to and equipping them. We want to see these people grow in their faith, become deeper rooted in Christ, and closer in their walk with Jesus.”
Read a full description of the training here and see feedback from participants.
Pray for many Iranians to be saved as a result of this training. Pray for the health and protection of all involved. One of the trainers remains in hospital care, suffering from severe health issues.
“When you put yourself into the spiritual battle, you are more susceptible to the attacks of the enemy,” Silk notes.
Header and story images courtesy of Transform Iran.