People with all kinds of talents and abilities can be a part of Bible translation.
USA (MNN) — There are a lot of misconceptions about Bible translation.
What are the biggest misconceptions?
Steve Eccles with Wycliffe Bible Translators says you don’t have to be a translator to be a part of Bible translation.
“We have, right now, 300 job descriptions that are open and available. Some of them are multiple, so we need 1,800 people basically tomorrow in order to fulfill our needs.”
Eccles describes the kind of people they’re looking for: “From pilots to mechanics, teachers, nurses, doctors, and over in Papua New Guinea we even have a gas station. We have such a big organization over there; a gas station and grocery store are there to meet the needs.”

If translators have to focus on tasks other than Bible translation, the work doesn’t get done.
Why don’t the translators handle these jobs? Eccles says, “If that support person isn’t there, then the Bible translator has to come off of the field and take his mind off of the work of translation in order to get the supplies and materials that are needed.”
“Having those things taken care of then frees up the translator to concentrate on what he needs to do.”
Wycliffe is looking for people with a commitment to Jesus Christ. These individuals are just as important as those doing the work of Bible translation.
“We might not be translators, but we’re partners in the process. Me filling up a tank of gas or taking care of an airplane: I’m partnering in Bible translation because that’s my part in getting the job done.”
Getting connected to Wycliffe.org will help you find a situation that fits your calling. These positions are missionary positions, meaning you have to raise your own support. “We have young families, older families, we have retirees who are going out and doing a great job to support Bible translation.”
I am a retired library assistant, limited because of leg/back pain. Currently I get prayer requests from you. Any other way to help?
Hi Darrel,
We do have some volunteer positions that can be done remotely.
Shoot me an email with some of your skills and lets see how we can get you invloved!
Darrel, go to http://www.wycliffe.org and click on Get involved and follow the links. You will get someone to answer your question. The article is right on target. I am a retired software engineer and I am now working full time with Wycliffe doing project management. It took the Lord 38 years to get me ready for Wycliffe by having me work in the nuclear and medical device industries. Now I am putting all that experience into accelerating the Gospel to the ~180 million people who don’t have any scripture. Am I doing the translating? Heavens no, but I am doing what I am good at to support those out on the front lines. Together we are doing our part to fulfill the great commission of our Lord (Matt 28:19).
I appreciate the message that any Christian can help with Bible translation. However, isn’t it a bit of a catch-all? How can Christians know which of their skills are most valuable, or whether they should shoot for non-translation jobs that they also need special training for (e.g., literacy)?
Oops, I meant for that to be a general reply, but the site won’t let me edit.
I do know we have a need for librarians, Darrel, especially if you’re up for librarianship in the digital age. A similar job that’s even more fit for remote work is archives and digitization.
A number of the support positions that Steve Eccles talks about above are also found here in the States … in particular at the JAARS Center near Charlotte, North Carolina. JAARS provides transportation and technology support to Wycliffe Bible Translators and scores of other global partners in the Bible translation mission. We train and equip pilots and aviation mechanics, provide logistical and communications support to field project teams, help translation partners design and fund locally-appropriate and sustainable solutions, offer project management leadership and support for complex field programs, and more. Many of our positions can be found at the Wycliffe.org site noted above, and you can find out more at JAARS.org. Our staff is roughly one-half supported missionaries and one-half volunteers.
I was really excited to hear this news story. I passed on the info to two family members who have missionary hearts and language/linguistic skills as well as administrative skills. I was disappointed to learn that while they may have 1800 jobs available, none are employment opportunities. While we all want to serve, we must also feed our families. I found the story to be somewhat misleading. Maybe should have stated that these were volunteer opportunities and not “jobs”.
Sherri, these ARE jobs! Most Wycliffe workers get paid, along with a job responsibility to build a network of prayer & financial partners – hence the term “supported” positions in the article. Wycliffe missionaries are employees with health insurance, a retirement plan, & adequate pay. It’s not exactly like a traditional job, but thousands of us have fed our families for decades now!
It’s also true that some Wycliffe workers volunteer and work without a salary, and still others have a more conventional job structure.
God provides for His workers, one way or another – don’t let labels for the means He uses turn you off!
Brian H
I’m interested in archival work too. Where do I go for more information?
Paige, Go to http://www.wycliffe.org, click on “Get Involved,” and follow the links. You will get someone to answer your question.
Hello, I spent 20 years as a WP specialist using word/excel 2000 (very outdated, I know). Loved editing work, P&P work especially. Have already spoken with Jennifer but it will require me to come to Orlando about a special project that Gene Gossman told me about. Have been involved with MATA here in Clearwater–cooking/breakfast. Love cooking. Miss Julie, Largo, FL
Hi Julie,
Thank you for responding to this need. Contact Wycliffe Bible Translators at (800) 992-5433 to express your interest and to find out specifically how you can help.
Do you need Malay translator? Currently unemployed and need financial help. Thanks.
I can translate in Tamil language
i know tamil & hindi
I am interested in security job overseas. Volunteer, quite possible. Looking for that job description. Thanks
Hi Jerry,
Go to https://www.wycliffe.org/serve/career to check out current opportunities available through Wycliffe Associates. At the bottom of that page, you can select “Contact Us” to begin a conversation with one of the associates. Praying for God’s guidance!
By the Grace of God i could be a part of gate way translation of Malayalam …few books in NT.but In OT i never get a chance .if you have any opportunities please let me know.. with prayer.Alex
My desires from Jehovah is translating bibles and become a deaf singer.
I am deaf and wants to follow Jehovah’s goals! Praying to get a job here.
I am a FABC as an 18 years old first year student! I wanted to say Jehovah has given me plan nothing like any else ever seen. Jehovah is a powerful loving Father on this earth!!!! I pray for every souls here!!