Guatemala (ORO/MNN) — A team is making final preparations for a
trip to Guatemala with Orphan Outreach two weeks from now.
Between February 5-12, the team will be working with kids at
Little House of Refuge in Xela, Mi Especial Tesoro Girls Home in Chimaltenango
and Obras Sociales del Hermano Pedro (Children's Hospital) in Antigua.
At Little
House of Refuge, there are roughly 60 to 70 children,
ages 3 and up. In addition to providing a loving home for all of the children,
the orphanage property houses a school for all the children. Orphan Outreach also helps with funding for
additional teachers, computer,s and school supplies. Ongoing needs include food
staples, vitamins, and clothing.
"Mi Especial Tesoro" is an oasis of God's love and peace in a
barren town that is known for prostitution and alcoholism. The girls who find
refuge there find a home where they are given protection, education, health
care, clothing and the Word of God.
At Obra Sociales de hermano Pedro, the malnourished children who
are found there are given a home. Many
of the patients have physical and psychological problems. Other patients are those who couldn't find
help in private or public institutions. The hospital receives no government
support and relies solely on donations and help from partners.
all three of these agencies, Orphan Outreach has a longstanding tradition of
coming alongside and providing physical and spiritual help as well as
love. The idea is to offer a better future
for children in dire living conditions.
1:27 remains the inspiration of their mission and the motivation and passion
toward everything they do.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is
this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself
from being polluted by the world."
Pray especially for the older children in Little Refuge who are
attending a new school in Xela. Pray that they will form new relationships with
other students and feel confident in their new school. Pray for
safety and protection for them as they travel to and from school each day.
Pray also
for team unity and for the Lord to use each
individual to show His love for the children and staff.