Kenya (MNN) — Corruption in Kenya is bad. It's so bad, that the government created The
Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission in 2003.
But despite this effort, the problem still exists,
which is why Childcare Worldwide answered with the launch of the Christian
Character Building after-school program last year.
This Friday, May 7, marks the first graduation from the
program for the first thousand students. Childcare Worldwide President Dr. Max Lange says, "We have come up with
a curriculum which is being taught in the public schools. We have about 5,000 students in five different schools enrolled in this program."
The program teaches children Christ-like character traits
through a Scripture-based curriculum. At
the celebration in Kenya,
awards will be given to students who have shown an improvement in their
character through the program.
educational leaders in Kenya believe
that Christian Character
Building will be the key to national transformation. One of the
school's principals described the tremendous impact of the program by
exclaiming, "It will be felt in the school, the community and eventually the
country at large for many years to come. Introducing this program is one of the
greatest things Childcare has ever done."
Does it work? Lange shares the story of a young student
learning the lesson of forgiveness. She took
it home to her alcoholic mother. According to him, she said, "'Mother, I
cannot condone what you're doing. I don't like it, but I want to forgive you.'
Her mother was touched by that, but then something else happened. She then witnessed to her mother and told her
about Jesus, and her mother accepted the Lord."
Christian Character Building
is currently taught in four core countries: Kenya,
Uganda, Haiti and India. It takes only $10 a month to teach 50
children through the Christian Character Building program, and they need
support for growth.
Lange says your involvement is more important than you
think. "What you are doing now will have everlasting results. It will
change the lives of the children who will eventually change the lives of all
the people in the nation." Click here if you can help.