India (MNN) — After distributing tracts and Christian literature
in Assam, India, a believer was brutally attacked by Hindu extremists.
Tarun Akansha, a missionary supported by
Gospel For Asia, and fellow
believer Doru Nathi shared Christ's love with villagers and passed out tracts and Christian literature, which the villagers gladly accepted. Anti-Christian
Hindus became enraged at their actions and hurled insults at the pair. Later
that night, Nathi was kidnapped and dragged back to the Hindu village.
Extremists brutally beat Nathi and left him bloody and
battered on the side of a remote road. His family later found him
but were unable to obtain medical treatment for his injuries.
When Nathi regained consciousness, he was urged by fellow villagers
to file charges against his attackers. Instead, he decided to pray for the salvation of his attackers and began to intercede on their behalf through prayer and fasting.
He asks for your prayers that his body will heal completely
and that his attackers will give their hearts to Christ. Pray also for Pastor
Askansha's protection as he continues ministry in Assam.
Lying at the foot of the Himalayas, Assam is slightly
smaller than South Carolina with a population of 26.6 million. Assamese Hindus
are one of the least-evangelized Hindu peoples of India, numbering approximately
15 million, or 65 percent of the population. The harvest in Assam is great, but
the workers are few; despite openness to the Gospel, there are few missionaries
to share it.
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