Ukraine (MNN) — November marked the two-year anniversary of the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The conflict began over protests against Ukraine’s president’s choice to abandon joining the European Union in order to pursue a deal strengthening ties with Russia.
Amy Richey with EFCA ReachGlobal Crisis Response says, “What started as a frustration of Ukrainians with the current corruption of a government eventually ended up in their former president fleeing to Russia and seeking asylum in Moscow.”
But why would Ukrainians ever want strong ties with Russia, considering their history? In 1932, when Ukraine wouldn’t comply, Russia cut off supplies and starved Ukraine out. So why trust a country that starved you?
Needless to say, Ukrainians took to the streets in the capital city of Kiev to renounce a deal with Russia in November 2013. But the ending could not have been what they had in mind.
“And today unfortunately has turned into an act of war between Russia and Ukraine. When the world has been silent, Russia has continued to cause problems and create havoc in eastern Ukraine,” said Richey.
But to Richey, hope isn’t lost in Ukraine. “The great thing is: God is bigger than all of this. And you will find a sense of encouragement and a sense of hope for Ukraine and for it’s future generations and a continued openness to the Gospel,” said Richey.
ReachGlobal works in Kiev, Ukraine, through it’s project, Kiev Logos Center, serving the at-risk population. ReachGlobal is also helping care for refugees coming from Eastern Ukraine where the conflict with Russia is heavy.
And unique to Ukraine is the long history of strong orthodox ministry, despite the communism it’s experienced. A lot of people know about religion and God, but they need to know and experience Jesus.
“The challenge remains for Christians to help Ukrainians understand that it is a personal relationship with Christ and that that personal transformation is what brings about life change and heart change and the hope and salvation of the Gospel,” said Richey.
Please pray for all involved in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Pray also for peace and for the work of the Gospel there.
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