Cuba (MNN) — In Romans 10, we read the apostle Paul's question: "How, then, can they call on the One they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? How can they preach unless they are sent?"
Those are all great questions. How about adding one more, "How can they understand the One if they don't have His Word?"
WorldServe Ministries is trying to change that in the countries in which they're working through a two-year campaign. WorldServe's Ken Leggatt describes the campaign. "The Million Bible Change is a two-year goal for WorldServe Ministries in Canada. We're aiming at delivering one million Bibles in the hands of believers around the world in that period of time."
Leggatt says they'll be sending Bibles to China, Cuba, Ethiopia, Vietnam, India and Iran.
WorldServe just got some good news out of Cuba. "We're working with the Bible Commission in that country and asking them for permission. It's been several months in the works, but we finally received permission to deliver an initial shipment of up to 5,000 Bibles."
While Bibles have already been sent into Cuba, Leggatt says the need is still great in this nation of 11 million. "There are 56 denominations, and all of those denominations are seeing growth. What this is basically doing is creating a need every year for Bibles. Many people have grown up in this communist country, and they haven't had sufficient access to Bibles."
According to Leggatt, it only costs $5 to put a Bible in the hands of a Cuban believer. "It'll allow the believers in those churches to grow in their faith with a solid foundation. And that will allow the next wave of people who've grown up in the Bible now, raised as new Christians in the Word of God, to be equipped to share the Word well with their friends."
If you'd like to be a part of the Million Bible Challenge with WorldServe Ministries, click here.