Rica (MNN) — Christian Resources
International says the efforts of "Operation: Bare Your Bookshelf" are not in
The project makes it easy for
American Christians to send their extra Bibles and other Christian books
One linguist and translator partner in Costa Rica
requested some books for both himself and his pastor.
With CRI's Spanish on-site inventory, the team was able to
send the pastor some much-needed resources. The translator, Luis Diego, was grateful for a Hebrew-English New
Testament and a book explaining the role of Creation in salvation and
redemption. In his thank-you note, he wrote, "In a
nutshell, if the whole story of creation and the fall as told in Genesis were
not true, then the whole life/ministry/death/resurrection of Christ would be
meaningless, since He came to look for and save what was lost. If no
creation/fall ever existed, then sin is an invention of some over the past
centuries, and Christ died in vain, since he died for something that did not
exist in fact."
Pastors and church leaders in the underdeveloped world may
not be able to afford their own resources, and they can make a big difference
in their understanding of the Gospel, doctrines and theology. That's where CRI comes in.
CRI will send prospective
participants all the mailing materials needed to send Bibles and Christian
books to a specific pastor, Christian worker, church member, or seeker
They'll also include the actual
request letter, so participants can get to know and pray for the recipient by
Because the mailing materials bear
CRI's return address, donors need not worry about being personally contacted by
anyone overseas. But CRI will personally pass on thank-you letters generated by
the packages they send.
They're looking for: Bibles,
concordances and commentaries, Christian reference books, Systematic and
practical theology books, and Bible Study materials.