Iraq (SAT7/MNN) — Do you ever wonder what happened to Myriam, the little girl who forgave ISIS in a video that went viral?
Just in case you didn’t track that story, here’s the background: a year ago, SAT-7 KIDS presenter Essam (AKA Mr. Know of the program Why Is That?) visited Iraqi Kurdistan where he met and interviewed 10-year-old Myriam.
The young girl was with other tens of thousands of refugees in Ankawa, a suburb of Irbil, Iraq, who were driven from their homes and villages from the Nineveh Plains by ISIS. Despite the trauma and personal loss, in the interview Myriam asks God to forgive ISIS and says, “I won’t do anything to them, I will only ask God to forgive them.”
It was the ultimate example of childlike faith and forgiveness–a mix of innocence and the sudden awareness of war and persecution. In the original interview, she mentioned she had a friend, Sandra, whom she loved very much but had lost track of in her family’s escape. Her simple faith and grace toward the terror group and the world they brought to her actually brought hope and comfort to all the Assyrian refugees and all Assyrians around the world.
Fast forward to the present. Mr. Know went back to Erbil, Iraq, met with Myriam again, and saw that two of her prayers–to go to school and be reunited with her best friend, Sandra–had been answered. SAT-7, a Christian satellite television ministry to the Middle East and North Africa, joined the reunited the girls at school for another interview to see how they were doing.
What they found was a lot of God’s love and mercy. Despite displacement, the girls shared what was top of mind awareness for them: the Lord’s Prayer, especially the phrases, “On earth as it is in heaven” and “Give us this day, our daily bread.” For refugees, life is pretty much out of their control. Complete surrender to God brings with it an understanding of His provision and His care for His children.
For one so young to understand this already is humbling. Through trauma, Myriam clung to her faith in God. Through loss, she never lost hope. When given the opportunity to share other thoughts, Myriam played a worship song of her own on a guitar. Her lyrical thoughts read like a Psalm of David: “My beloved Jesus captured my heart by His love. Glory be to God. With My love, Glory be to God….”
In the end, although ISIS terror continues to dominate international headlines, Myriam’s faith is a sign of hope for the future. When asked, “What would you say to world leaders?” she answered, “Walk with love and mercy in your hearts.” Out of the mouths of babes, indeed.
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Wonderful bless this child
Un excelente testimonio de FE. Que Dios siga intercediendo por tantas personas como están sufriendo los HORRORES de la guerra. God Bless You All
In this world of sin, especially if one listens to the secular media, the story of this child Myriam is hardly believable. But God calls whom He wills to Himself and sends HIs Spirit as He wills. Thank God He is still calling people, and thanks to SAT-7 for reporting this news.