USA (MNN)–Change is coming to Buckner Children and Family Services, formerly Buckner Orphan Care.
Not only a name change, but also leadership. Buckner president and CEO Ken Hall, tapped Albert Reyes to lead the newly revamped ministry. “In a word, what we’re doing is sharing hope in Jesus’ name with children who have broken lives.”
Together, he and Reyes are readying a ‘strategic stretching’ into other countries. “If we can collaborate with them on our area of expertise, which is orphan care, and humanitarian aid to children, then we collaborate together and enlarge the capacity to serve more people.”
Reyes echoes that sentiment, “Buckner has positioned itself as a premier missions organization by engaging the missions passion of Baptist congregations across Texas and the United States.”
Under its new structure, Buckner will emphasize an expanded missions program and seek to partner more churches throughout the country and internationally.
They’re looking to shape maximum ministry impact, Hall says, “By sharing the good news of Christ’s love with the children, we also impact the caregivers, the government, the other volunteers, so it’s a very intentional effort at engaging people with the faith that Christ is real and that He changes lives.”