Russia (SOAR) — Do you ever wonder how God answers prayer for specific people in far-off places?
SOAR International seeks opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in partnership with local Russian evangelical churches by providing Christian ministry teams, humanitarian aid, and other projects to advance God’s Kingdom in Russia and Abkhazia.
SOAR shares Sasha’s story, as told by Pastor Anatoly of the Wellspring Transition Home, a ministry partner of SOAR in Ryazan, Russia.
Sasha K. was a sad boy who couldn’t walk and wouldn’t play with other children in the Solotcha, Russia, orphanage. His mother was an alcoholic who neglected her children and often left them alone. When she was home, she spent her time drinking and keeping company with unsavory men. When Sasha was only nine, he got high by sniffing glue at a train station and ended up losing his leg in a train accident.
A year later, while living at the orphanage, some visitors from the United States heard about Sasha’s plight and felt led to help. They raised funds to bring Sasha to the U.S. for surgery. Sasha was able to get a well-fitted artificial limb, and upon returning to the orphanage, was even able to play football!
Though Sasha was grateful for the generous help and care of Christians, his heart was not yet open to the Gospel. When he aged out of the orphanage system, he was invited to live at the Wellspring Transition Home. However, Sasha didn’t want to learn anything and refused to give up his drinking habit. His life began spiraling downward. Little did he a know, but many prayers were being lifted to the Father for him.
A year later, Sasha stood at the door of the Transition Home once again. He said he no longer wanted to live his current lifestyle and said he was willing to live by the Christian rules of the Home. This was a great answer to prayer for those who knew him!
Sasha went on to attend a local trade school for computers, just a short walk from the Transition Home. During his stay at the home, he also attended church faithfully and was ministered to by many caring believers.
A note from SOAR: We don’t know Sasha’s current situation, but we hope that the love shown to him by believers has permeated his heart. Pray that Sasha would know the peace of Christ and accept His gift of salvation.