International (MNN)–Hundreds of thousands of dedicated church leaders in the developing world have no access to ministry training.
The result of the lack of training is a global leadership crisis. That’s what spurred the development of Mission Aviation Fellowship’s Learning Technologies division.
The MAF-LT is reaching out to small, remote churches without benefit of a plane. Their mission: providing vision, leadership and the necessary technology for training leaders.
It’s the ‘how to’ part that can prove dififcult. Many of the people they’re trying to reach live in rural villages that are hard to reach. The time spent physically taking resources has been put to a more constructive use.
MAF-LT now helps missions and seminaries generate their own distance learning training materials with the DigiStudy. It’s like a commentary, providing in-depth Bible studies as well as cross-referencing capabilities in several languages, including Arabic.
The software includes the Textus Receptus and some Greek translations along with the German Luther Bible and others. It also inludes a dictionary. 60,000 church leaders in 71 countries have already downloaded it.