Kenya (MNN)–Audio Scripture Ministries is getting ready to launch a pilot evangelism program outside of Nairobi, Kenya.
But, you say, isn’t Kenya already covered with the Gospel? At one time, that was true. But the concentrated efforts of missionaries reached this generation’s parents and grandparents.
ASM’s Tom Dudenhofer says that means there’s a whole new group of people who are essentially unreached. “The poverty and the isolation of many of the areas outside of the urban centers have recreated a new generation of unreached people because evangelism has not continued in some of the isolated areas. They need to be reached again with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Here’s how the program will work: “The program is going to run a pilot of placing Scripture listening kits with a local pastor in one of the villages. The villages will gather together and commit to listen to the Scriptures, and then memorizing the Scriptures. Participants will also be encouraged to tell their story.”
It’s building on the model of listener clubs, which have proven successful in Latin America. Not only does the commitment to listening to Scripture lay the groundwork for the evangelism, it also binds communtiy, sowing seeds for future church plants.
Pray for those involved in beginning this listening program in churches and families so they’ll be open to hear the Gospel.