USA (MNN) — You know how Jesus can change a life. Perhaps you are burdened right now for a world of lost people to have the chance you have had to know the Savior.
This month, Ron Hutchcraft Ministries is breaking ground on a unique "rescue" Web site that heavily features the ministry of Ron Hutchcraft, a gifted communicator. If you've ever heard him speak about the Gospel, you know God uses him powerfully to impact lives for Jesus.
The Web site will have a new global platform to share the hope of Jesus. This Web site in tandem with RHM's strong social media presence will help lost people make sense of what is going on in our world, while bridging the difference that Jesus can make.
This new technology will also give people the chance to interact live with Ron on a regular basis. It's exciting to think of how many lives will be impacted through these conversations with Ron.
However, RHM can't do this without you. Doug Hutchcraft is asking you to "help make possible the delivery of the Gospel by way of this new internet rescue site. Your gift is fuel for the launch. Your partnership will expand the reach of the Gospel to a world of people desperate for Jesus."
Hutchcraft says, "Every soul that's rescued will be, in Paul's words, 'fruit' credited to your account (Philippians 4:17). We go because you send us. Thank you for impacting the eternities of countless men and women that need Jesus."
Pray that God will use the new rescue site to save those who are lost.