India (MNN) – The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge stole most of the attention in India last week during their first royal visit to the country. But there’s more happening than this in India as religious persecution still violently takes place. It’s not stopping evangelism from flourishing, though, according to Christian Aid Mission.

(Photo Courtesy Christian Aid Mission)
Eight years ago, 100 Christians were killed by Hindu extremists during a riot. Even today, Indians who accept Christ as their Lord and Savior face societal shunning, economic boycotting, and can’t find work because others refuse to hire a Christian.
Those who accept Christ as Savior are seen as anti-Indian, because Christianity is viewed as a Western religion. Angry mobs have shot believers, burned Christians with fire and acid, dismembered them with swords, beat them with clubs, and even raped the women.
It doesn’t stop here. Some situations will get to the point where other Hindus will try to forcibly perform “reconversion” ceremonies on Christians which include drinking water mixed with cow feces.
Yet, in these hard times God has still been moving and supporting His Church.
The areas Christians once fled from are now home to indigenous ministries. Once home to the horror stories of Christian persecution, these regions are now becoming known for the saving works of Jesus.
Here, people are hearing the Gospel and coming to Christ. Evangelistic events have been organized and held with great success, according to a Christian Aid Mission ministry director.
In fact, there have been 14 sponsored evangelistic events in the last year. Each one had between 1,000 and 2,000 attendees. Some of those who attended accepted Christ and have been baptized.
Please pray for India’s Christians. Pray for their perseverance in spreading the Good News, God’s provision, and for others’ hearts to be opened to receiving the Gospel. Pray for their strength as they face resistance from their culture and their families.
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