Greece (MNN) — The work of sharing Christ or caring for those in need can’t just stop, so how do Christians do it in a way that avoids breaking lockdown laws?
With one third of the global population under some kind of COVID-19-related lockdown, Bill Passons says AMG International wrestles with that very question. “[It is] much like [what] we’re experiencing in the States, where governments are recommending . . . there be no meetings or no gatherings of more than just a few people. . . So in places where everybody’s quarantined to their house, and they’re not allowed to leave, it’s put a halt to our child development programs. It’s put a hindrance on our gatherings for worship in our church plants.”

Stay at home logo used by the government in Greece during the pandemic. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)
Passons says the situation constantly changes as more and more countries impose different restrictions. “We still have to see how we can meet the needs of the people that God has called us to serve. And so, we’re trying to figure out strategies to do that in this new environment.”
The challenge in Greece
For instance, AMG works with refugees in Greece. Normally AMG helps these people get on their feet, learn the language, and settle in their new lives. For these marginalized people, government restrictions can be dangerous.
Passons says, “When you live in an environment where you operate day to day, making money for that day or the next day to survive, and then you’re not allowed to do that or you there’s no opportunity to do that anymore, that has huge, dire consequences.”
It’s a tricky balance between needing to help people and being ordered to stay away. Passons says, “We’re trying to figure out how we can obey the laws of land that are telling us not to go out, not to leave our homes. But still knowing that we have people in great need. How we can help be the hands and feet of Christ and try to meet some of those needs?”

Refugee children. (Photo courtesy of AMG International of Facebook)
Praying for wisdom
Passons encourages Christians to pray that the leadership of AMG would have wisdom to know how to minister to people while still honoring the laws of governments around the world.
Christians can get involved by supporting AMG as they continue to explore how to adjust their programming.
And pray for Christians all around the world who may be in desperate financial situations because of these lockdowns and restrictions. For the Prayercast coronavirus video, click here.
Empty streets in the UK. (Header image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)