International (MNN) — Rising prices and difficult financial times stretch everyone thin, but mission groups are suffering the most.
Increased costs of food and services are crippling organizations and thereby hurting the people they care for. Although we live in the most prosperous country in the world, we still struggle to make house and car payments and pay the TV and phone bills. AMG International sponsors children who've never had any of the luxuries that we enjoy. When times are hard for us, they're desperate for them.
AMG is facing a critical situation in some of their childcare centers. With the price of rice doubling in less than a year, decreased value of the U.S. dollar in relation to foreign currencies, and the rise in costs of commodities and services, financial conditions have rapidly deteriorated. Childcare centers have not received enough money to provide food, education, medical and other services for children located in 14 countries worldwide.
After much prayer and consideration, AMG has found that the only way to combat rising costs is to increase the child sponsorship level from $25 to $28 per month. This will become effective on January 1, 2009.
Click here to sponsor a child and to help AMG International provide the supplies and care needed by children around the world.